The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $30 million in grant financing from the International Development Association for the Dushanbe Water Supply and Wastewater Project.

The municipality of Dushanbe will also contribute additional financing of $ 2 million.

'By investing in quality municipal services, such as safe and reliable water supply, the World Bank is supporting Tajikistan’s efforts to develop healthy and productive human capital", - said Jan-Peter Olters, World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan.

In addition, the capital city is expanding rapidly: Dushanbe’s population of 846,000 people and its territory of 12,700 ha are expected to double by 2040, requiring significant infrastructure investments, including in water and sewer systems.

Since 2002, the World Bank has invested around US$ 50 million to increase the reliability and safety of drinking water for the residents of Dushanbe.

The World Bank’s active portfolio in Tajikistan includes 17 projects, with net commitments of US$ 683 million.

"The Qazaq Times"