Qazaq's words

Тоқаевтың «масылдық» пен «демократия» туралы пікірі

Бүгін өтіп жатқан Ұлттық қоғамдық сенім кеңесінің алғашқы отырысында президент масылдықтың ұлттық мінез-құлқымызға кері әсерін тигізіп жатқанына өз «а..

4 year ago 0

Bakytzhan Sagyntayev: The cost of vaccine against meningitis is too expensive!

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagyntayev said that the cost of vaccine against meningitis is too expensive in our country. During a regular m..

6 year ago 0

Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev: Ministry of Health is making mistake by doing nothing against meningitis

The Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev said that the Ministry of Health is making mistake by doing nothing against mening..

6 year ago 0

Nazarbayev: Stop stealing money!

President Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized the importance of the "7-20-25" program at the enlarged meeting of the political council of the Nur Otan Par..

6 year ago 0

Nazarbayev: All higher education institutions should be brought to the level of

Nazarbayev University and the rest needs to be closed President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev believes that the number of universities in Kazakhs..

6 year ago 13