Members of the Union of Scientists of Kazakhstan sent an open letter to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev regarding to the decree on October 26, 2017 transferring of the Kazakh language from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet.
The letter to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is as follows:
To the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev
Dear Nursultan Abishuly!
In December 2017, the Open letter was sent to Your name by the Union of Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There were suggestions on how to improve the Latin alphabet, which was one of the priorities of your program article "View in the future: Modernization of public consciosness". Over the past month, according to the Open Letter published in the central press was received more than 12,000 reviews. Expressing support for your ideas and initiatives, the public offered their own views regarding to the Latin alphabet preserving the natural laws of the Kazakh language, further rising the demand of each member of society to the Kazakh language and further developing literacy.
In this respect, the Republican Public Association of Union of Scientists created a working group of specialists who directly deal with scientific issues of the Kazakh written case and study the problems of the alphabet in the world in the interests of the Latin alphabet. Consultants of the working group - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, academician Syzdyk Rabiga and Doctor of Philology, professor, academician Kaidar Abduali.
The working group carefully studied offering all versions of the Latin alphabet in terms of understandability for people in reading and writing and also all technological convenience. Series of Latin alphabetic variants used in order to define the effectiveness and barriers of writing the text and visualization of recorded text.
Dear Nursultan Nazarbayev!
The views and demands of the Kazakh society, the conclusions of scientists concerning the summing up the experience in the world languages and the conclusions of the examination still indicate the existence of problems with the improvement of the Latin alphabet. In this regard, please, take into consideration a new Latin alphabet which is offered by scientists, especially linguists.
The letter says: "The main task is to create a new project of the Latin alphabet, to prove its effectiveness, to formulate its scientific and practical justification and to discuss key ideas in public opinion." Thus, scientists provide the president of Kazakhstan with the justification for a new concept of the Latin alphabet project.
In this way, scientists provided the president of Kazakhstan with the justification for a new concept of the Latin alphabet project.
This Open Letter was signed by 16 scientists. They are:
Syzdyk Rabiga - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, academician;
Kaidar Abduali - Doctor of Philology, professor, academician;
Sabвen Orazaly - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Union of Scientists of Kazakhstan, academician;
Koshanov Amanzhol - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, academician;
Zharykbaev Kubygul - Doctor of psychological sciences, academician;
Gabbasov Sovet-Khan - honored scientist of RK, doctor of medical and pedagogical sciences;
Suleimenova Eleonora - doctor of philological sciences, professor;
Uali Nurgeldi - Doctor of Philology, professor;
Zhanuzak Akim - President of the International Institute for Humanity, member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences;
Bolekbayev Abylkasym - professor;
Aldash Ayman - Doctor of philology, professor;
Bazarbayeva Zeinep - Doctor of Philology, professor;
Kuderinova Kuralay - Doctor of Philology, professor;
Rysaldy Kusain - Doctor of Philology, professor;
Kalenova Gulnar - Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor;
Kapalbekov Bizhomart - Candidate of Philology Sciences.
Translated by Nazerke Syundyukova