A green line will appear in Chui region of Kyrgyzstan along border with Kazakhstan, reports 24kg citing director of the State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic Abdykalyk Rustamov.

"We will negotiate with heads of districts, agree on planting of trees and width of the line. It is necessary to study land issues: who owns the plots, what is their purpose", - noted he.

According to the head of the agency, funding for the project has already been found — money will be allocated by Germany.

Besides, Abdykalyk Rustamov added that trees would be planted on Orto-Sai hills near Bishkek in the autumn of 2019. Earlier, it was planned to lay out forest park near the capital, however, the agency had objections to the government project. The head of the agency noted that it was revised.

"Suu Dolboor Project Institute is preparing a water supply project. Most likely, we will plant 30 hectares in the autumn", - added he.

Abdykalyk Rustamov believes that creation of such a green ring will change the humidity, temperature, reduce dust and smog.

"The Qazaq Times"