The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women called on the authorities of Tajikistan to stop checking the virginity of the girl. The UN believes that there is no medical need for this painful and degrading practice.

The recommendations of the UN Committee against Discrimination against Women to the Government of Tajikistan, published on November 12, state that “amendments to the Family Code of the Republic of Tajikistan on compulsory medical examination of spouses are often used to conduct tests of innocence, which often leads to suicide.”

According to this law adopted in 2016, young people must undergo a free medical examination before marriage. Without such documentation, the Registry office does not interfere with the marriage of the youth.

UN experts and human rights activists believe that in the 21st century, virginity cannot be an indicator of dignity. As, the UN is fighting for women's fundamental right to freely choose their own choice.

"The Qazaq Times"