It is reported by the Uzbek Ambassador to Kazakhstan Saidikram Niyazkhodjaev.
“I would like to dwell on the issue of tourism, that is, the creation of such a tourist cluster, a tourist route that would significantly increase the tourist flow to our countries. I believe that those people who come to Uzbekistan to study the history of the Silk Road should visit not only our country, but also Kazakhstan. This gives a complete picture of the historical path,” S. Niyazkhojaev emphasized.
The ambassador noted that this would be a joint tourist route.
“We are working on this project, which is conditionally called the “Golden Square”. In Russia, for example, there is a “Golden Ring”, and we hope that the “Golden Square” project will be successfully implemented in the near future,” he explained.
Recall that at the moment the national carrier of Kazakhstan operates 6 flights a week from Nur-Sultan to Tashkent. Another 6 flights fly from Uzbekistan. In addition, up to 10 flights from Almaty to Tashkent and back.