The World Bank (WB) is implementing 40 projects for $ 4.5 billion in Uzbekistan. This was discussed at a meeting of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev with the delegation of the World Bank led by Vice-President for Europe and Central Asia, Cyril Muller.

“Currently, the cooperation portfolio is formed by about 40 implemented and ongoing priority projects with attraction of preferential financing of the bank in the amount of $ 4.5 billion,” the press service of the President reports.

They should further cover such areas as the development of the digital economy, the modernization of the energy, transport, urban and municipal infrastructure, the introduction of advanced and energy efficient technologies, the intensive development of agriculture, the improvement of the education and health care systems, and many others.

“As part of a long-term partnership program for the period up to 2020 in 2018, the Board of Directors of the bank approved new projects worth more than $ 1.4 billion,” the message says.

In addition, leading experts of the World Bank took an active part in the preparation of proposals for reforming the tax system and civil aviation.

“The Qazaq Times”