Near the UN House in Bishkek, a picket was being held up to draw attention to the situation of ethnic Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and representatives of other nationalities imprisoned in “re-education camps” in China.
The protesters say that the representatives of these ethnic groups are being persecuted, and call on the UN and the international community to respond. They appealed to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and offered to consider the situation with ethnic groups in the PRC at a Security Council meeting.
The protesters demanded that the Chinese authorities stop persecuting ethnic Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and Uighurs.
The action continues. It is reported that representatives of the UN mission in Kyrgyzstan are ready to accept five participants in the picket.
In the past few months, China has been under the scrutiny of the international community in connection with reports of the oppression of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and their forced placement in institutions that Beijing calls "educational centers", and human rights activists "political re-education camps". According to various data, they have more than a million people.
Recall, at the end of November, Kayrylmans from China and relatives of ethnic Kyrgyz in China appealed to Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. They were asking for help in freeing their relatives from the “re-education camps” in China .