2018 June

The Chinese will shoot a film about Kudaibergen Dimash

Chinese Cinema Company is planning to shoot a film about Kazakhstani singer Dimash Kudaibergen, reports Rector of the Kazakh National University of Ar..

6 year ago 1063 0

Tajikistan reduced imports of flour by 9.1 thousand tons

Over the five months 2018, to compare the indicators of 2017, Tajikistan imported flour for 9.1 thousand tons, while the import of wheat increased by ..

6 year ago 10 0

Polygamy was banned in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan has introduced a code that prohibits polygamy. This was published in the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan". The project was signed by Pres..

6 year ago 156 0

Spain to allocate 150 mln euros for joint projects to Uzbekistan

Spain intends to allocate to Uzbekistan 150 million euros of preferential loan funds for the implementation of joint projects, reports Podrobno. uz. "..

6 year ago 18 0

Iran increases steel production

The annual steel production in Iran has grown to 35 million tons per year, and for five the total volume was 200 million tons, said the deputy ministe..

6 year ago 2 0