2018 January

2,5 thousand and more people in Kazakhstan were convicted of corruption

‘Fights against corruption will continue in Kazakhstan’, states in the Address by President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. ‘New Opp..

6 year ago 22 0

Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a new «defense doctrine»

On Januaary 9, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a "Defense Doctrine". The modified doctrine states that the armed forces of Uzbekista..

6 year ago 169 0

The President of Kazkhstan instructed to raise teachers' salaries

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed to increase by 30% the salaries of teachers who have moved to updated content since Januar..

6 year ago 190 0

Matt Garnett: One of my favorite Kazakh singers is Sara Tynyshtygulova

I'm in Michigan at Michigan State University  in East Lansing, USA. I am visiting-scholar in the College of Communication Arts&Sciences, School of..

6 year ago 394 0

Kazakh President Nazarbayev to make an announcement on the oncoming annual Address

Tomorrow will be delivered Kazakh President Nazarbayev's Annual State of the Nation Address to the people of Kazakhstan. It is devoted to the developm..

6 year ago 66 0