Today "Kazakhtelecom" company has launched the first 5G commercial network in Kazakhstan.
Now 5G commercial network is available on the Altel network in the territory of the international technology park of IT startups Astana Hub. This was said by Nurlan Meirmanov, Chief Executive Officer of Innovations of Kazakhtelecom JSC.
"The network launched today is the first 5G commercial zone in Kazakhstan, which will operate on the territory of Astana Hub on an ongoing basis. It was no coincidence that we chose the launch site of this network - this is where developers can test and implement new digital products and projects based on 5G", - noted Nurlan Meirmanov.
According to him, similar zones will appear in other regions for various cases. This year it is planned to launch commercial technology in Shymkent to implement the FWA business case - fixed-wireless access.