It was proposed in Kazakhstan to check the ability of applicants who choose the qualification of the teacher. Bill on Amendments to Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 30, 2012 №174 "On Approval of the Standard Rules for Admission to Educational Organizations Implementing Educational Programs for Post-Secondary Education". The document was published on the website "Open Regulatory Legal Acts".
As stated by the paragraph 13 of the document: "Persons who entering the educational institutions of pedagogical and medical specialties pass exams on profile subject and special exams, which are conducted by the selection committees of the organizations of technical and vocational, secondary education".
Moreover, as noted in the project, special examinations for persons studying in pedagogical and medical specialties are assessed as "pass exam" or "not". The results of the special and creative exam are announced on the day of the exam.
Recall, It is worth noting that in February 2017 the chairman of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Parliament Gulnar Iksanova said that the pedagogical universities do not choose the best graduates of the school, as a result of that there are teachers who dont have appropriate knowledge, and also low salaries prevent talented youth from choosing to this profession. According to her, in 2015 only 148 of the 2000 "Altyn belgi" (Gold sign) holders chose this specialty.
In addition, in September, the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev noted that candidates choose a pedagogical profession on the principle that it is easy to obtain. In the end, the pass mark in the field of pedagogy is much lower than in other specialties.
Translated by Nazerke Syundyukova