In Kazakhstan, for wearing face veils will be fined 50 monthly notional unit, reports Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society.
‘Wearing a niqab, a veil, a paranja, a balaclava, as well as ski masks, in public places prevent law enforcement authorities from identifying the person. The effectiveness of measures to ensure public safety is declining. Therefore, this rule is introduced’, said the chairman of the department Committee on Religious Affairs Erkin Ongarbayev.
As explained in the Ministry, in public places will be allowed to wear only medical masks, as well as masks provided for by safety in the workplace. As for ski masks and balaclava, these hats can be worn only on sports grounds. Otherwise, there is a fine of 50 MNU (KZT133,450).
Recall, Minister of Religious and Civil Society Affairs Nurlan Yermekbayev explained that the ban on wearing niqab, chadra, paranja and balaclava in Kazakhstan is caused by security considerations.