In the framework of the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the 50th international
scientific-methodological conference "A modern interpretation of the educational
concept of al-Farabi in the context of digitalization of education".
At sectional meetings, master classes and round tables, the discussions were as the competency models of the university graduation in modern age. All the discussions were on the profile of the competencies of a university lecturer in the context of digitalization of education, and on the system of training and certification of university lecturers. The speakers and participants evaluated the motivation mechanisms of the teaching activities of university lecturers, new technologies in the educational process
and new forms of interaction between secondary and higher education in educational
Professor Abishev Ali Azhimovich, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD in Economics, in his report emphasized that teaching standards are highly updating and in the near future all teachers shall maintain and develop unique skills and learn how to effectively interact with modern digital technologies. He mentioned, at the same time, the key
requirements for teachers will remain professionalism, technological and social skills.
He spoke about the world`s latest information technology in education to participants and he introduced an educational solution from the field of artificial intelligence by the name of Robot Kit. This is a special technique that enables the student to explain how to create their own artificial intelligence learning algorithm. At the end of the presentation, A. Abishev, introduced applications that can reduce teacher’s routine work and he gave information about new tools for teacher’s creativity in pedagogical
In turn, the director of the Center for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Tomsk State University, Veledinskaya Svetlana Borisovna emphasized that, being carried away by technologies, digital learning methodology should not be forgotten. Digital learning enables the teacher to fundamentally restructure the learning process.
The vice-rector for educational work of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Khikmetov Askar Kusupbekovich, in his speech mentioned that the school should develop the basic abilities and necessary skills for continuing education at the university. In this regard, the school and the university both must find new formats of interaction to achieve the goals of education. And the goal of education, as al-Farabi wrote, is to lead a person to happiness through the development of his moral and intellectual qualities
and the realization of his mission.
What kind of digital educational services are universities willing to provide students with the opportunity to consciously choose the educational path in the university? How to turn a university into an ecosystem in which mentoring and peer learning processes are constantly ongoing? What are the boundaries of the responsibility of teachers for the formation of learning outcomes? How should educators consider on impacts of factors on the educational process when planning their activities?
These and some other questions were answered by the speakers from Kazakh League of Education Experts, the heads of the district departments of education in Almaty, and directors of secondary schools. As a result of the event, a declaration and recommendations were adopted with the aim of improvement of the educational process in a rapidly changing modern world.
Aigerim Alzhanova