The Idea of Brexit. The Element of Power.
What comes to mind of a reader who is not engaged in foreign policy, is not a professional economist or financier when he thinks about the Exit of England from the European Union. Probably - the separation of England in order to restore the former well-being, to regain its former influence, to close from migrants or a good annoy their European partners, bored with their Brussels breakfasts.
Although I think that diplomats will think very scrupulously, like historians and international affairs experts, my good colleagues, they can “look for gray cats on a dark night”.
Nevertheless ...
In the history of Europe – the history of the UK - is the story of one of the "Power'states" - political, cultural, humanitarian, different originality and individuality. "Right-hand traffic", "Commonwealth of Nations", "Union Jack" are some of the elements of this Power.
The Brits obviously at times were crowded on the continent or they were weary of the continental neighborhood. During the centuries in which England was tied to the continent - for example, in the Era of the Roman Empire or the Norman Conquest, the reign of the Plantagenet and before the reign of Elizabeth The First continental fate held it firmly in their hands.
Probably Brits closed on the continent and with great potential were looking for new ways of development, optimal and original methods of solving many issues. And as a result, it was the individualization of its development that was the solution of the problems. Among the means of solution – the navy. It was the fleet and discoveries that became the solution to the problems. It tore them from the bulk of European countries and became an effective force for the development of new vectors of force.
However, you can imagine a whole group of countries advocating for an "Individual Way of Development".
Future aspects of the modernization of the Union.
This problem have to be taken very seriously. The example of the European Union allows us to look from the future at the challenges of integration. Skepticism with respect to integration process. The same is happening now on the continent in Europe. Parties with similar or similar positions are in power in one third of the EU member States. The process of disintegration are dangerous, however, the process of disintegration generated by incorrect processes of integration. It should be noted that perhaps in the European system have not been developed schemes for the possibility of strengthening the sovereignty of the EU member States. Although it does not seem like it.
After the announcement of Britain's exit from the EU, all extremely surprised by the thoughts of all the possibilities of getting out the Union like the EU. As a rule, people of everyday life – taxi drivers (news distributers of everyday plan), women in the yard, customers in the store like to speak wisely and with humor about it. But fact remains the fact, if there is theme – it means, there is trend or trends.
Now, in the period of confrontation between Russia and the West, such reflections are important, of course, if they lead to positive results. It is necessary to understand the essence and methods of the correct decision. You can't go along with one - word solutions.
… Analytics is similar to geometric figures, reflections is similar to impressionism. Finally, reflections seem to be of the more high level, in the view of the fact that logic is not the most precise method of comprehension. But it is better if they are superimposed on the correct geometric shapes…
So, associations have both pros and cons. The advantages are known. Cons, as a rule, cause resentment. So what are these ideas of "everyday people" aimed at? If we trace the cause of such ideas, then, as a rule, they attack the system of government, in the case of the Union, these ideas attack certain segments of the state machine of the Union, when large funds are spent on weapons, migration policy is carried out, in their opinion wrong, people lack social security, the standard of living falls or identity is completely blurred and people make a conclusion. The conclusion is very simple – it is necessary to leave. Following the "people of everyday life" after a while, this topic is picked up by "people with glasses" and, in the end, "people puzzled", they need to understand – in general, whether the topic is justified.
However, these inherited thoughts are black-and-white thinking, monosyllabic, "the law of the excluded third" - "yes-no", "come in – come out" is suitable for people who are not engaged in political processes at the level of solving complex problems, and generally operating concepts at the household level.
Deduction is a chain of conclusions from the general to the particular.
Induction - a chain of conclusions from the particular to the general”.
How should philosophers, historians, politicians, economists reason. Most likely they should have a University education or an interdisciplinary method. If this is the policy so the knowledge of philosophy, ethics, and understanding of it is required just like the fundamentals of humanism, the peaceful coexistence and the moral and ethical rules of human society. For economists, this is super-essential. It has been noticed for a long time, big businessmen value their reputation very much, but temptation happens.
It is necessary to understand who is talking about the hypothesis of leaving the EU - its supporters or opponents. It is obvious that the supporters have their arguments, and opponents have their one’s. Opponents of the EU often use economic arguments against integration, but moral capital can be higher than some economic dividends.
Nevertheless, a state should not give its right to determine its foreign policy priorities and opportunities. Earn same Power – is intellectual task.
"Make all efforts to stay the way philosophy wanted you to be".
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus — the philosopher on the throne, the Roman Emperor (161-180) from the dynasty of Antonines, the philosopher, the representative of late stoicism, a follower of Epictetus.
Integration project on a global scale.
Many people take the project of integration, or to put it another way, the process of collective movement, as a given and for granted. However, the project has now been developed by the European community and presented in the form of the EU. The European model is really sympathetic. The Greek philosophy, the best education, the achievements of culture and art and the Community of Nations are admirable. European minds have decided that they have found a method of structuring world politics.
“Integration generates the desire for self-identification”.
But then the people saw a strange picture, the European Union received an incomprehensible warning - Brexit, the output of one of the main member States of the European Union. Failure to cope with expansion, apathy in the organization of the armed forces, policies towards new members, excessive bureaucratization– all this seemed just a small setback, but the fact of Brexit is a phenomenon – something new that is not yet clear. Euroscepticism, sovereignization, anger at the elites, the presence of minorities who feel deprived politically and economically, fear of immigration and the struggle for the preservation of national identity.
Individual Way of Development.
Individual Way of development of the state, what could be better. The well-forgotten old sometimes blooms again. To develop individually, entering and leaving unions, associations and blocks, to go their own way without looking for enemies, not faking anyone – that's the search for their identity among similar. Quite an interesting road.
Who is currently showing us similar examples? Two clear examples are Britain and Japan. High competitiveness, dynamism, standard of living, but also high culture, living traditions and respect for antiquity. Reliance on force is not decisive, especially in the Japanese version. A feature of Japan's foreign policy is its desire to lead in the world, primarily through the UN and in the humanitarian sphere, allocating considerable funds for these purposes.
A very strong Individual Path implies the presence of a certain component of the people. Most likely, it is better not to answer this question, since each has its own answer and no one knows who will bring a more valuable contribution to strengthening the structure of this group of people.
The view from the future evokes the most interesting concepts of possible achievements. In the world community there is a group of avant-garde States-countries that are at the forefront of history.