On March 21, 2018, at 20:44 MT launch vehicle Soyuz-FG and manned spacecraft Soyuz МS-08 with the crew of long-duration expeditions ISS-45/46 successfully lifted off from Gagarin’s Launch Pad of Baikonyr space center, reports Roscosmos.
The spacecraft was successfully put into low Earth orbit and is headed for the International Space Station (ISS). The crew consists of spacecraft’s commander Oleg ARTEMYEV (Russia), commander of ISS-56 Andrew FEUSTEL (USA) and on board engineer Richard ARNOLD (USA).
Spacecraft Soyuz MS-08 will approach the ISS using a long two-days rendezvous capability. A fully automatic docking with the Mini-Research Module (MRM2) Poisk is scheduled for March 23 at 22:41 MT.
Recall, the launch of manned spacecraft is scheduled for March 21 at 11.44 pm Astana time.