The level of corruption in Kazakhstan is decreasing. Kazakhstanis began to take less and take bribes, stated Kazakhstan’s Head of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Alik Shpekbayev during an Internet conference.
He noted that according to the independent world survey of Transparency International, the number of bribes of Kazakhstanis decreased by 25%, and Kazakhstan's assessment of "perception of corruption" improved by nine positions and two balls.
"In achieving this goal, the role of creative intelligentsia, cultural and educational institutions, and the media is of great importance. A significant contribution to the solution of this problem could be made by representatives of the clergy. After all, in all religions greed and bribery are strongly condemned and evaluated as acts that are disliked by God, as a shameful and unacceptable sin, "Shpekbayev said.
He links the existing reduction in corruption in the country to the new anti-corruption policy of the state. One of the effective measures is material encouragement. In 2017, 226 Kazakhstanis received more than 31 million tenge for reports of corruption. In 2016, it was 27 million for 185 people.