What worries youth of Kazakhstan today? How do they imagine their future? In what direction do young people go?
A group of young scientists from the University of Narxoz conducted a sociological survey among the generation of the "Z" ages 14 to 17 years. Young scientists conducted survey among 1600 teenagers in 4 cities of Kazakhstan and summed up the following conclusion:
1. At present, for the Kazakh youth the first place is family, health and career. In addition, the school-aged generation focuses more on sports, proper nutrition and diet than older ones.
2. 41% of the respondents who took part in survey think that they will be able to get a grant from private companies and universities. 13% of them want to study at the expense of state grants. However, the overwhelming majority believe that education is not important, it is essential to have relatives or acquaintances who can give opportunity. And also they believe that they can earn more money than their parents.
3. The most difficult period for school-age youth is UNT. Most of them do not believe in their future and think that it is impossible to implement their ideas in the current socio-economic situation.
4. According to the thoughts "Z" generation, aged 14 to 17, corruption is a barrier to the development of society.
5. Individualism prevails among young people. The overwhelming majority of school-age youths are self-centered. They do not interested in participating in social work and public affairs.
Translated by Nazerke Syundyukova