On November 28, 2017, Presentation of the Association of Ecological Organizations of Kazakhstan was held in Astana. The Presidium of the new ecological association will be headed by Aliya Nazarbayeva, and the youngest daughter of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan.
'Knowing the complexity of the tasks and the intentions to help in this sector of Kazakhstan, we invited Aliya Nazarbayeva to lead the Association. She has great experience in promoting and supporting environmental and educational programs in the country', said Aigul Solovyova, Chairman of the Association's Management Board at a conference.
The Nobel Prize winner in the 'green' economy, Rae Kwon Chung, also joined the Board of Trustees of the association.
The Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan will serve as a platform for creating and promoting systematic environmental initiatives, promoting a 'green' lifestyle, paying special attention to environmental education and upbringing, the continuous and comprehensive development of environmental ethics and the culture of the nation.
The first meeting of members of the new association will be held in Astana, on December.