The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko proposed during his speech in the UN session to adopt a new resolution regarding the famine in Ukraine happened between 1932-1933.

Petro Poroshenko told in his speech: "We are going to remember victims the famine in Stalin's regime, dreadful famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933 in November. According to this, i am proposing to the UN to adopt a special resolution related to this dreadful famine, as one of the tragic story in human history".

Recall, it should be noted that 3,5 million people were died in Ukraine because of the famine in 1932-1933. Moreover, the famine in Ukraine has been recognized by many countries like Israel as genocide at present time.

In addition, it is also worth to note that there were a great number of Kazakh people who died in 1932-1933. According to the forecast, 22,42 percent of people of Kazakhstan died those years. In other words, it is around 1 million 258,2 thousand people. Nevertheless, authorities of Kazakhstan have not given any political assessment to the victims of the famine and the cruel actions of the Stalin regime at the state level.

"The Qazaq Times"