About 43 billion tons of production and consumption wastes accumulated in Kazakhstan, of which only 9% are processed, announced at the press conference on the problem of garbage processing in Kazakhstan held in Astana.

In the Atameken NPP, they said that businessmen built several garbage processing plants in Kazakhstan, but they are ineffective without state support.

"We are currently processing less than 10% of household waste, we plan to reach a level of at least 40 %. This is already a long-standing business abroad, but it is unprofitable to recycle garbage if the state does not support it. processing factories even built very expensive and inefficient, " said Murat Abenov, Chairman of the Committee for Information and Communication Technologies, Education and Innovation of the Atameken Scientific and Production Enterprise.

According to him, one of the effective measures to support the business of recycling was the introduction of expanded obligations of producers (RRP). But this is not enough.

As noted in the Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan, the regions selected 105 projects that were at EXPO to implement them. However, all of them need financial and expert support, which means considerable expenses at the initial stage.

“The Qazaq Times”