The Chinese company Ofo plans in 2018 to put 15 thousand bicycles in Almaty, told the head of the department of passenger transport and highways of Almaty Maksut Isakhov, at a press conference at the Regional Communications Service of Almaty.

"Within the framework of the Almaty Bike project, more than 200 bicycle stations for 1,730 bicycles were installed - green bicycles in Almaty, in 2017, the Chinese international company Ofo came in. For advertising purposes, they delivered their bicycles free. Thousands of bicycles at once to bring in. This company is international - it works in more than 20 countries, I think we will do it ", Isakhov said.

Isakhov mentioned that the work on the construction of bicycle paths are going. The local government in 2017 actively promoted this project. Now, built bike paths from the micro district Orbita to the Green Bazaar, which means that you can now cross almost all the city on a bicycle.

"Bicycle paths were launched on 13 streets of Almaty with a length of 21 km, there were very few in the city and they were scattered, that is, they were not connected." This year we made a large cycling track. "The total length of the bicycle roads is 68 km now, - he said.

Recall, the Ofo project was born in 2014 in one of the university campuses in China. The students came up with a system in which a bicycle does not require a special station, they can be used and left anywhere. Cycling company Ofo appeared in Almaty in September.

“The Qazaq Times”