2019 June

Prime Minister of India to pay official visit to Kyrgyzstan

The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi will pay an official visit to Kyrgyzstan, Daniyar Sydykov, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Pres..

5 year ago 11 0

Tender for the construction of NPP in Kazakhstan do not hold - Ministry of Energy

Information about the negotiations of Kazakhstan on the construction of nuclear power plants with South Korean companies is not true. Work on the deve..

5 year ago 29 0

Free trade zone to create between Kazakhstan and Singapore

Alikhan Smailov, Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan, in the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, met with Singapore's Minister..

5 year ago 11 0

Dushanbe to host the CICA summit in mid-June

Dushanbe will host the fifth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), reports Asia plus.   Delegations..

5 year ago 8 0

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make an official visit to Kyrgyzstan

This was announced by Daniyar Sydykov, head of the foreign policy department of the Kyrgyz presidential administration. He noted that the visit will t..

5 year ago 19 0