Last year Turkestan visited 1,090,755 people for the purpose of pilgrimage and acquaintance with historical and cultural monuments, the press office of the South Kazakhstan Mayor reports.

In 2016, this figure was 1 015 088, the number of pilgrims last year increased by 75 667 people and 18 thousand of them are foreign tourists. This was reported by Deputy Director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Khazret Sultan" Gani Iskakov.

According to him, 207 monuments of architectural, archaeological, spiritual, religious and monumental pecies are included in the list of the museum-reserve. One of them is international, 16 are republican and 14 objects of local importance.

‘The tourists are particularly interested in historical objects. In particular, the mausoleums of Khoja Ahmet Yassawi, Ukashat Ata, Gaukhar Ana and the town of Sauran. Every year the number of tourists who want to get acquainted with our history and culture increases. Accordingly, the volume of income from the provision of paid services is increasing. In general, funds received from paid services are aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the museum, paying for security, communications, electricity, collection, as well as printing, transportation costs and payment of salaries for museum staff', says Mr. Iskakov.

A number of activities have been implemented to increase the number of tourists arriving in the museum-reserve. In particular, ‘bar-codes’ are installed on historical and cultural sites. Through this ‘bar code’ tourists can access necessary information about the historical facility in Kazakh, Russian and English on devices. In addition, the monuments that are part of the state historical and cultural museum-reserve ‘Hazret Sultan’ can be viewed by virtual tour in 3D. Anyone from all over the world will be able to see the exhibits of the museum-preserve and get full information about them via the Internet.

The list of khans, sultans, batyrs and biys buried in the museum-reserve ‘Khoja Ahmet Yasavi’ was also developed in electronic format. The schedule of the museum and information about the events are placed on the led screen, located on the facade at the entrance to the building.

Recall, improvements on customer service were taken place under the article of the Head of State 'The Course towards Future: Modernization of Public Conscience'.

 “The Qazaq Times”