Qazaq Times

Zhenis Kassymbek told about roads that will be paid this year

Payment scheme of Astana-Temirtau, Almaty-Kapshagayi and Almaty-Korgas sections within the "Nurly zhol" program might be launched in the second quarte..

6 year ago

Women in business increases in Kazakhstan

On January 2018, 1.2 million individual entrepreneurs (IE) registered in Kazakhstan. It is more than January 2017 by 0.8% (9.8 thousand) , reports Ran..

6 year ago

The National Bank lowered the base rate

The National Bank of Republic of Kazakhstan decided to reduce the base rate to 9.5% with +/- 1% corridor. Before this, the base rate was at 9,75%. Thi..

6 year ago

Kazakh President proposes to reduce taxes 10 times for 2 million people

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated that from January 1, 2019, the tax burden on a certain part of the country's citizens to reduce ten times..

6 year ago

Kazakh President allocates 20,000 more grants to students

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that 20 000 grants to allocate students and solve the problem with hostels in the coming years, during the ..

6 year ago